Gibson Les Paul Custom Smoker (signed by Ace Frehley) cherry sunburst -71 serial 633929, beg. (Stockholm)
Fair condition, 5,5/10, very worn finish and has a repaired headstock break, has been professionally and invisibly refretted for optimal playing back in 2016 by luthier Robert Wåhlander but there are some traces after an earlier refret with wear in the fingerboard, replaced electronics with modern CTS-pots and new knobs, now for the good stuff: ATTENTION ALL KISS FANS! Here is a unique and super vibey Les Paul that is a kind of modified replica (to be clear, this is a real Gibson built in Kalamazoo, MI) of the 1974 LPC that was Ace´s main guitar for 17 months (November 1976 to April 1978) and then on and off until his departure from KISS in 1982, (read more here: http://www.acefrehleylespaul.com/AceFrehleys1974LesPaulCustom.html), the guitar has been owned by a Canadian good friend of Ace´s who plays in a Kiss cover band called Rock And Roll Over in Toronto, he had Ace sign this in person and then turned this into a smoker (work done by Jeff Donahoe in Virginia Beach, USA) including modifications to make room for a smoke bomb (does not work at the moment but can probably be fixed by a future owner) and a standard G4 base halogen bulb (lights up nicely!) in the neck pickup cavity (a dummy pickup is installed, no rout), lots of paperwork included with a signed document (possibly a Xerox copy, hard to tell) from Ace as the center piece, also lots of manuals about the smoke bomb and lots of extra Surefire Igniters to set off the bomb, an envelope from Garrett Park Guitars with 2pc Smoke Cartridges (one 45s and one 90s white from www.theatrefx.com), the bomb/light is set off by a 4-position rotary switch and is each run by a 9V battery (2 batteries in total)-same serial number range as the original Budokan (600000-range) which has been dated to 1974 (currently owned by Matt Swanson)-routed for a 3rd pickup-installed smoke bomb and light in neck cavity under a dummy pickup cover-DiMarzio Super Distortion in bridge position-nickel plated Grover tuners with pearloid “banjo” buttons-original hardcase with KISS-logo sprayed on and a KISS-decal with a barcode 002018
Instructions for smoking systems from luthier Mauritz Larsson in our workshop who wired it back to the way it was done by Jeff Donahoe;
Activating smoke and light
To ignite the smoke cartridge and turn on the light, turn the four-position switch all the way clockwise. It is the knob that sits at the back and at the top, i.e. where the neck mic's tone control would normally have been.
Making a smoke cartridge Instructions follow this, as well as some ready-made smoke cartridges, included in the bag with accessories.
Changing batteries The lamp is powered by a 9V battery, and the smoke of two AA batteries. Do not connect a 9V battery to the smoke - that is too high a voltage for the cartridge to work properly. The battery cables that go to the light are marked with LIGHT and those that go to the smoke cartridge with SMOKE.
To charge the guitar with a smoke cartridge First make sure the switch is off (turn it counterclockwise) so that the new cartridge does not ignite when you insert it. Then unscrew the dummy to access the door. Pinch the cartridge cables in each alligator clip, place the cartridge in the holder, and screw back the dummy. (see pictures below) It's a bit fiddly, but all this can be done without loosening the strings.