2022 Chase Tone Purple Stardust Hi-Octave Reissue
Dan Drive Austin Pride Fuzz
Mint condition, 9/10, including original box, built in the USA, price brand new is 2690SEK (about 270USD), 9VDC positive center, comes with a Voodoo Lab Pedal Power Cable 2,1mm Barrel Rev Polarity (center positive), more info: Exact circuit capture that was produced nearly a decade ago in an updated limited-edition player requested 1960s Yellow pedal board friendly enclosure and Purple Acid Circuit Board!
Eerily reminiscent of iconic later 1960s Hi-Octave sound effects with that vowel-y, vocal and voodoo haunting mid-range! Truly an analog sound effect of an exploding Purple Star into Purple Stardust!
Amazing tracking
Special circuit tuning allows improved Hi-Octave note tracking across the fret board via Neck Pickup with a pronounced Hi-Octave effect that cuts in a band mix with musical authority. (You do not need to play just the 7th or 10th frets or higher for Hi-Octave. You can play full bar chords anywhere.)
The Hi-Octave Knob setting fluidly and seamlessly blends from 1967/1968s thinner sharper cleaner yet warmer germanium Fire and Purple Haze like Hi-Octave (NPN/PNP silicon transistors w/matched germanium diodes) to 1969/1970s increased overdrive, even-order harmonic saturation and more authoritative EQ punch of the Band of Gypsies era thats never ear piercing. Always retaining a sweet top and haunting mid-range.
Hi-Octave Knob at 11 oclock is the Goldilocks setting hybrid capturing 1967 to 1970!
Brushed Aluminum Silver-y Knobs! 1960s Gloss Yellow Powder Coat! Purple Silk Screen w/Fire Orange Outline! Amber LED thats Fire Red when ON!
Extremely low noise design. Never oscillates or sounds overly constricted, gain-y or harsh. Always maintains an open fluid singing Hi-Octave tone.
Power Note: 9VDC Reverse polarity positive center or battery.
Basic Design
The Purple Stardust is designed to run straight into an amp for clean to over-driven Hi-Octave tones or EASILY stacks into or after an overdrive or fuzz pedal producing a very unique musical Hi-Octave Overdrive or Fuzz effect. Uniquely compliments the players own rig and maintains an extremely dynamic touch response. This makes it an incredibly useful tone tool in a guitarists arsenal for both adapting to different rigs while keeping its inherent vibrant exploding tone. How does the Purple Stardust Hi-Octave compare to vintage 1970s Hi-Octave units?
In comparison its a unique experience w/primarily being a harmonically rich Hi-Octave with ring modulation and even elusive low octave sounding ghost notes depending upon the pick attack.
The 70s vintage circuits are a mess with an incorrectly wired Intensity pot, an incorrectly installed Q1 Transistor, and is mis-biased (specd for 24volts yet runs on 9volts.) If you are tired of the overly gain-y, noisy and treble-y Octaves, we agree with you and its the reason weve created the Purple Stardust Hi-Octave nearly a decade ago.
The CHASE TONE® Purple Stardust Hi-Octave has negative feedback stages, accurately biased new production, vintage-spec, low noise NPN/PNP transistors, an optimally wired Intensity Control as well as a custom spec taper, altered circuit values and matched germanium diodes for a superior sounding fine-tuned version with amazing touch sensitivity that satisfies and expands a musicians horizons across the fret board for both improvised rhythm and lead.