1980s Casio PG-380 Guitar Synth black
Made in Japan
Very Good condition, 7/10, Made in Japan, this model was made 1987-1989, all black parts, HSS-configuration and a MIDI-pickup, Gotoh Floyd Rose bridge, including Boss adapter (9V 200mA) and the manual, comes with a PG Sound Rom Tokio Collection RC-510G, Built in PDI Sound Generator, more info: The Casio PG380 Guitar Synth is the first (with all due respect to the Vox Guitorgan) serious attempt to go beyond the guitar MIDI controller, and into the realm of the self-contained guitar synthesiser. The onboard synth allows a guitarist to simply plug in and play, without the usual rack-mount array or pedal matrix. This really opens up the concept of the guitar synthesiser for the working guitarist - one who might play rock and social club gigs on the same instrument, as opposed to a studio musician who can (sometimes) take the time to get just the right sound.