1990s Gibson Goldtone GA-15 1x10 Combo Amplifier brown
Made in the UK
Very Good condition, 7/10, Made in the UK by Trace Elliot for Gibson, A short-lived model, this amp is a product of Gibson's acquisition of Trace Elliot, and is a rebranded version of Trace's revered Velocette model., some wear in the tolex, 15W Class A All Valve Guitar Amplifier, 230V, one Celestion Vintage 10 G10 60W, more info: Simple but versatile for full, round, clean tones; warm, rich overdrive; and sweet, singing leads. 15 Class A watts are louder and hotter than A/B watts with lightning response and super presence. No-nonsense, premium-quality construction includes a bright switch, Gibson returned to the amplifier business in the late 90s with its Goldtone amps, derived from the 50s era Trace Elliot/Vellocette line. The original models the GA-15, GA-15RV, and GA-30RVS were all covered in brown tolex.