1961 Silvertone Model 1415 (U-1) copper
Good condition, 6,5/10, Made in USA by Danelectro, the pots are dated 6127 which means week 27 from 1961, untouched electronics, original diamond metal backplate with masking tape stamped 2081, heavily aged bronze finish, very worn on the back of the neck with lots of dents, very worn frets but has been played professionally until now so we leave it up to the next owner to decide if it needs a refret or not, all original parts and knobs, no case, more info: in Bronze-metallic finish with dolphin headstock, The Silvertone is made by Danelectro and is actually the same guitar as the Danelectro U1. The guitar has been played, so there is some visible playwear, The hollow Masonite body is equipped with one original lip-stick" singlecoils pickup, 1x Volume- and 1xTone control, The 'Dolphin Nose' 14XX series was the end of the 6-string 'U' series of guitars offered by Sears. They carried on the standard of the 'lipstick' pickup, the classic cutaway look of the body, and features you couldn't see like the dual neck truss rods, internal shielding for the electronics, and (as the catalog put it) 'core of hardwood balanced by hollow wing sections,' all topped off by the famous 'modern headpiece.' These guitars finished what the started in 1954 and disappeared with the advent of the 1448/49/57 line in late 1962. Introduced: Fall/Winter 1959 Retired: Spring/Summer 1962 This one with the top loaded Input jack makes it a later model 1415